Article 3, Sec. 3 of the United Knights of Dalewood Constitution states that “A majority of voters in the Class is required to enact, amend, and repeal laws.” The state of Lawcedonia failed to enact the following laws:
The following law failed to reach a majority by a vote of 2-20:
The bagworm moth is the official animal of the State of Lawcedonia.
(vote failing to enact this law was held on February 14, 2024)
The following law failed to reach a majority by a vote of 10-13:
The Teacher is required to provide an alternative assignment to making a speech so that students will not be forced to make a speech for a grade.
(vote failing to enact this law was held on February 15, 2024)
The following law failed to reach a majority by a vote of 9-20:
Students shall have the sole authority to grant the Best Table Award.
(vote failing to enact this law was held on September 12, 2024)