United Knights of Dalewood
Where the Rule of Law Governs

Where it is
The United Knights of Dalewood is a sovereign classroom housed within Wheaton High School, located at 12401 Dalewood Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland.
What it is
The United Knights of Dalewood is an ongoing experiment in constitutional governance of students, by students, and for students.
Why it is
Fed up with the authoritarian regime of King Nesin, the students seized power and wrote their own constitution that limits teacher authority and grants student rights.
“We, the Founders of the United Knights of Dalewood, form this government to promote the principles of: mutual respect between the Teacher and the Students; fairness for all and voice for all; powers for students and limits for the Teacher; respecting of differences and recognition of beliefs; and the rights of Students to have the opportunity to exercise control over their own education.”

The Overthrow of King Nesin
King Nesin’s authoritarian rule over the Wheaton High School Law Class was short lived, as his arbitrary rules and erratic behavior were intolerable to the students who revolted.

The Founders
The Constitution of the United Knights of Dalewood was written by the Wheaton High School students taking Law during the Fall semester of 2022.