Failed amendments

Amendment to change how Student Representatives are chosen: On September 13 and 14th, 2023, the states voted on whether to amend the United Knights of Dalewood Constitution so that Student Representatives would be elected rather than picked randomly. The amendment cleared the 2/3rds threshold in Mid-Knight, passing by a vote of 17-5. The amendment failed, however, because voters in Lawcedonia voted against it 9-14.

Amendment to change how Student Representatives are chosen: On February 19, 2023, the states voted on whether to amend the United Knights of Dalewood Constitution so that Student Representatives would be elected rather than picked randomly. The amendment cleared the 2/3rds threshold in Mid-Knight, passing by a vote of 12-4. The amendment failed, however, because voters in Lawcedonia voted for it by only a margin of 11-9.